Attendee Justification

We’ve gathered some tools to help you “make your case” for your atttendance.

IndySoft’s 5-day workshop is an Executive MBA-level training course designed specifically for lab managers, supervisors, or quality assurance representatives who would like an intensive short course on how to maximize your lab’s efficiency and profitability while most effectively leading your most valuable resource - your employees. Additionally, the course has 2 days focused on uncertainty and statistics, which starts with an introduction to basic concepts and then takes you through how to utilize statistics to improve your lab operations. Targeted to those in calibration, testing, maintenance, quality control, or analytics, this workshop will bring tons of value at an incredibly reasonable price.

We’ve gathered some tools to help you “make your case” for your attendance. Feel free to cut, paste, or paraphrase to suit your particular situation or needs.

Some things to consider to justify the travel and training expense:

  • Focus on what you will specifically bring back to the organization as a return for the investment.

  • Offer to prepare and deliver a short presentation and Q&A to your colleagues to share what you learned. That way others in your unit will also get the benefits of your attendance.

  • Share the workshop Schedule with your colleagues. As an attendee, you will have access to the presentation as well as all handouts given during the workshop.

  • Remind your supervisor that this is a great way to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

  • Be ready with a plan that shows who will cover for you while you are attending the workshop.